Year: 1943 - 1946
Occupation: Teacher & Writer
After school Noel graduated for Victoria and Canterbury Universities. He worked as a journalist at the Southern Cross and Dominion. He then trained as a teacher and had a long and distinguished teaching career which began at Wellington Technical College. He started the journalism school at the Wellington Polytechnic which became the school of choice for budding journalists. Noel then became the deputy Director of the Wellington Polytechnic and CEO of Northland Polytechnic. Noel is also a writer. He was writer-researcher for the NZ Maori Council, Te Uri –o- hau. He wrote The School that Riley Built; Latimer: a biography; Banks: Behind the Mask and many regional histories of Northland. Noel is one of the school’s heroes. By writing The School that Riley Built he preserved the history of the beginning of this school and that knowledge empowers the school today. He is currently writing a novel about Newtown.